Search Results
Children of Camden, 10 years of hope, dreams and setbacks l Hidden America (Nightline)
10 years later, children in Camden still fighting for hope, opportunity
Camden boy who dreamed of learning to read wins school reading award (2007) l Hidden America UPDATE
Children struggle to thrive amid rising gang violence in Camden, NJ (2007) l Hidden America UPDATE
6-year-old girl hopes to one day become a judge l Hidden America: Camden Kids PART 3/5
Meet 3 children living in America’s most dangerous city l Hidden America: Camden Kids PART 4/5
4-year-old boy wishes he was ‘Superman’ to escape poverty l Hidden America: Camden Kids PART 1/5
17-year-old struggles to earn diploma amid violence, drugs l Hidden America: Camden Kids PART 2/5
Kids from New Jersey’s richest and poorest neighborhoods meet | Hidden America: Camden Kids PART 5/5
Kids taken from parents at southern border end up in Camden County
Our New Reality l Diane Sawyer Special l PART 4
Memorial Grows For Child Killed In Camden